Bed potato: the new lifestyle trend?
Most people are familiar with the term “coach potato”. “Bed potato” may be the new lifestyle trend which describes someone who spends a large part of his/her wake time in bed on his/her own accord. For some people, the idea of living, working and shopping from the bed describes “the ideal life”. Regardless of their reasons, will they still find such a life ideal if they knew what inactivity does to them?
A month-long life in bed
‘Horizontal living – Long life in bed’ is the title of the project which explores the mental and physical changes due to a lifestyle of living in bed either on one’s own accord or imposed by other reasons. This project developed by artist Yiyun Chen, in collaboration with two scientists from the NUTRIM School of Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism in Maastricht University, Prof. dr. Patrick Schrauwen and Dr Vera Schrauwen-Hinderling , won the Bio Art & Design Award 2018 (BAD Award) earlier this year.
Creating greater awareness

Yiyun Chen has been living in a specially designed room in Eindhoven that simulates ‘horizontal living’ since 15 October, where she will be spending a month in horizontal position. At the same time, wearables will be used to monitor her physical activity. Among the health data collected before and after her one month stay are her metabolism rate, insulin sensitivity, body fat percentage, sense of balance, blood levels, etc. The results, which will be analysed by NUTRIM scientists, will be showcased at an exhibition where the room will be rebuilt. With their project, Chen and NUTRIM scientists want to create broader awareness on the potential adverse impact of sedentary lifestyle on health.
Get a peek into her room and her lifestyle via her blogs on social media, Instagram @cloud.xs
Technology for metabolism research
In close cooperation with NUTRIM at Maastricht University, Maastricht Instruments delivers systems and devices for measuring energy expenditure and relevant physiological parameters. Examples are the indirect calorimetry systems such as the Whole Body Room Calorimeter, metabolic cart and exercise exertion equipment, as well such as physical activity monitors. This unique partnership between business, academic and R&D partners guarantees solid turnkey technology for Metabolic Research to customers worldwide.
Find out more about research at NUTRIM, Maastricht University here.
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