The Citrien program is a nationwide cooperation between Dutch academic hospitals. The Dutch Academic Hospitals work together on scaling up proven e-health applications.
In the Citrine Fund 1 Wireless Vitals (WiVi) project, insight has been gained into the reliability of the first generation of ‘medical grade’ wearables. The next step is to gain experience on a larger scale across multiple departments with such systems through a multi-center approach. The project aims to provide evidence of the effects of wireless monitoring of patients in the ward and in the home situation after discharge through national implementation.
Earlier this year, Hospital Fit was designated as one of the innovation and research projects of the Academic Alliance Fund, a collaboration between Maastricht UMC+ and Radboud UMC. The aim of this implementation and study is to investigate whether the introduction of Hospital Fit within regular physiotherapeutic care results in an increase in exercise behavior compared to patients who do not use Hospital Fit. As a partner project of the Citrine Fund, Hospital Fit has the interest of many other hospitals. Discussions are currently underway with Amsterdam UMC, UMCG and UMC Utrecht, among others.
If you are interested in working with Hospital Fit, you can contact us here.
Read more about the Citrien program and Hospital Fit in the Health & ICT article here
Or visit our Hospital Fit product page.