BACE enables data collection from our MOX sensors in an accurate, safe and easy manner. With this solution you can collect, store, process and display your data. BACE is developed with our IOT partner Evalan.
When connecting the BACE Home hub immediately retrieves data from the MOX sensors, send that data to the cloud and displays the collected data on your portal in real-time. The BACE product contains of a Home hub (hardware) and a Cloud application that are connected via the infrastructure (LTE-M / NB-IoT). This enables long distance connectivity if needed. The cloud application can send the data to your portal through our API. New MOX sensors can be easily linked to the BACE unit.
Each BACE home hub will have a unique encryption key and send data to the cloud securely. The encryption key will be stored on a hardware-base key store element of Microchip. The encryption key is stored on a secure element of Microchip, a secure hardware-based key store.
The BACE homehub is easy-to-use, robust, safe and scalable

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Maastricht Instruments BV
Universiteitssingel 50
6229 ER Maastricht
+31 (0)43-3881371